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Welcome to your new home for study abroad! 此页面上的信息旨在帮助您在到达目的地后安顿下来. 我们希望你在国外的时光是一段有益而美好的经历, 我们的目标是帮助你充分利用你的经验. Whether you have questions regarding safety, 可持续旅行或者当你回到校园后会是什么样子, we are here to help provide information, resources and advice.

Forms To Submit

Please submit the following forms upon arrival:

鼓励在国外学习一学年的学生完成 Mid-Year Evaluation.


Safety While Studying Abroad

Security Announcements & Travel Advisories

Security Announcements

The U.S. Department of State has been issuing periodic “Worldwide Caution” public announcements since September 2001. These announcements underscore the importance for Americans living and traveling abroad to remain vigilant and security conscious.

Travel Advisories

建议学生查阅美国国务院发布的旅行建议.S. Department of State for their intended destination. 请注意,情况随时都可能迅速变化. 我们建议所有旅行者注册接收旅行建议和警报.

Safety & Security

我们建议所有在国外学习的学生咨询美国政府.S. State Department website on a regular basis. 这个网站包括世界各国的宝贵信息.

Students Abroad
U.S. Embassies Around the World
Travel Advisories
Emergencies Abroad
Country-Specific Information
Smart Traveller Enrollment Program (STEP)
Traveler's Checklist

Before You Return to Smith


Smith TB Policy for Returning Students

One of the keys to success in navigating your return is to reestablish a routine and make concrete plans about how you are going to spend your time.

Reentry Action Plan

Rescinding Off-Campus Study Leave Status

两个学期课程的学生如果想在一个学期后再回来,请查看“Leaves of Absence” section of the Class Deans website. Students wishing to rescind their Study Abroad Leave should notify the Office for International Study and their Class Dean in writing. 如果学生为了在北安普顿注册课程而取消他们的出国留学休假, that decision will be binding, 他们将没有资格恢复校外学习身份.

每学期开学第一天可取消请假, however, the student is responsible for any non-refundable fees and deposits already paid to the study abroad program or host university on her behalf. 学生还负责联系住宿申请房间.

A student who withdraws from a study abroad program or host university after the program has started is responsible for any non-refundable fees and withdrawal fees charged by the study abroad program; they are also normally withdrawn from Smith and may not return to the college the following semester.

Extending Leave

Students approved for study abroad for one semester who want to extend their study abroad experience into the following semester should contact the Office for International Study to discuss their options.

For Smith Programs Abroad

Students who studied abroad in Florence, Hamburg, 日内瓦或巴黎将被要求完成一份将通过电子邮件发送的项目评估.

For Smith-Approved & Consortium Programs

All study abroad students who participated in a Smith consortium program or a Smith-approved program are required to submit an evaluation of their study abroad program to Smith at the conclusion of the program.

学生应完成与留学学期(秋季)相对应的项目评估, spring or academic year). Students who studied abroad on two different programs during the academic year should complete a program evaluation for each term and program (fall and spring).

Academic Year 2022-2023 Program Evaluation

Spring 2023 Program Evaluation


Please Note

Transcripts will not be forwarded to the registrar's office for posting until an evaluation is received by the Office for International Study.

Transcripts and grade reports from your program/university abroad must be sent directly to the Office for International Study:

Lewis Global Studies Center
5 Chapin Drive, Wright Hall 125
Northampton, MA 01063

Keep in mind that it may take a little time for your grades to appear on your academic record and on your transcript. 如果您对成绩单或学分有疑问,请联系副院长 Lisa Johnson.

Please note: Transcripts will not be forwarded to the registrar's office for posting until a student's program evaluation is received by the Office for International Study.

有关其他成绩单和学分问题,请参见 Credit Rules.

Returning to Smith

很少有人预料到回国后会受到文化冲击, but many students actually find that it is just as challenging to get used to being home again as it was to get used to living abroad.

一些学生发现他们在国外改变了很多,成长了很多, but that home, family and friends have not. 这一差距使得玩家很难回到设定中, 曾经熟悉和舒适的日常生活和关系. 如果你在海外度过了一段充实而充实的时光,你应该期待得到一定的回报.

It is important not to ignore the return experience as a facet of study abroad: Readjusting to life at home is difficult and what you're feeling is entirely legitimate.

Common reentry experiences
  • 给人的印象是你不能完全解释你的经历或它的重要性
  • 意识到别人并不想听太多你的冒险经历
  • 尽管在家里,却感到不自在
  • Boredom with being home
  • 对留学的地方产生反向的思乡之情
  • 看到与家人和朋友的关系发生了变化
  • 感觉别人误解了你的成长,或者看到了你的“错误”变化
  • 用一种评判性的或过分挑剔的方式来评估你的家
  • 感觉你在国外的经历失去了,或者与你生活的其他部分断绝了联系
Ways of Coping


  • Try to use the same cultural adaptation skills that you developed while you were getting used to being abroad (that is, keep active, maintain a sense of humor, find a support group, expect differences, allow yourself to make mistakes, 保持灵活性)以适应居家生活.
  • Be reflective. Give some thought to your return, to the types of intellectual and emotional changes that you have undergone as a result of your time abroad.
  • 准备好对你的家庭文化产生一些负面情绪. 尽量不要对你以前没有看到的缺点过于挑剔. 记住,所有的文化都有积极和消极的方面,没有好坏之分, it's just different.
  • Accentuate the positive. Try to identify what you like about both cultures and try to incorporate the best aspects of these into your life.
  • 对试图理解你最近经历的朋友和家人要有耐心. 也要听听他们在你不在的这段时间里经历了什么变化.
  • Maintain connections with the international life through the many opportunities available at Smith: come to the Lewis Global Studies Center; evaluate your program; interact with the international student population from your study abroad location; help spread the word about study abroad to your friends and classmates; agree to talk to prospective students who are interested in the program through which you chose to study.
  • Submit some of your favorite photos to the Global Encounters Photo Contest. We would love to see them!
  • Set goals for your development. Realize once again that change can be stimulating and this could be your chance to develop in new directions. 设定一些长期目标,其中可能包括寻找回国的方法.

返校的学术挑战之一是如何把学到的东西带回家. 为了展示你的新知识和教育观点,我们鼓励你考虑:

Submitting proposals to present at conferences

Creating social change takes action. 把你在国外学到的新技能、新态度和新经验付诸行动. 这可以采取发展组织的形式, deepening your civic engagement in a course or simply getting involved with already existing community service groups in the community.


Center for Community Collaboration: Supports student engagement in meaningful community service work and leadership training that enhances educational experience, meets community identified needs, provides opportunities for reflection and models the development of effective collaborative community partnerships with local nonprofit organizations.

Americans for an Informed Democracy: A nonpartisan organization that brings the world home to the next generation of leaders through educational seminars and conferences, leadership summits, town hall meetings, opinion pieces and global videoconferences.

对国外的工作和志愿者机会感兴趣? Many options exist for students to find a way to gain new skills and strengthen their cross-cultural understanding outside of the classroom.

Work Abroad

你可能希望只做一份短期的工作,比如教一年英语,或者找一份更长期的工作, but whatever you choose, 在国外工作是一种非常有益和丰富的经历. Being immersed in a new culture brings a great deal of self-discovery and professional development not easily acquired at home.

Please note: Most countries require work visas, 所以一定要对出国工作到底需要什么做些研究.


Smith Fellowships Office

BUNAC: Working Adventures Worldwide

University of Michigan: International Center

JET: teach English in Japan

Peace Corps

Transitions Abroad: information on international internships intern, volunteer, teach or work abroad foreign embassies of Washington, D.C.

CIEE Work Abroad

《澳门葡京博彩软件》, by Clayton A. Hubbs

国际工作:他们在哪里以及如何得到他们, by Nina Segal, Eric Kocher

世界范围内的工作:为有冒险精神的求职者提供的国际职业战略, by Nancy Mueller

Directory of Jobs & Careers Abroad (10th Ed), by Elisabeth Roberts

国际工作的最佳简历和简历:你进入全球就业市场的通行证, by Ronald L. Krannich and Wendy S. Enelow

《澳门葡京博彩软件》, by Elizabeth Kruempelmann

Global Encounters

The Global Encounters Photo and Video Contests provide a venue for Smith students to share their global experiences with the Smith community. 从尼泊尔到克罗地亚再到古巴,这些照片提供了一种独特的世界观.


Contact Office for International Study

Lewis Global Studies Center

Wright Hall

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063


To make an appointment

Phone: 413-585-7598 Email:

For emergencies, 拨打校园安全413-585-2490,并要求联系留学工作人员.

Staff →

For Parents & Guardians →
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